Unlock the future of art with .ART Odyssey Magazine
From digital innovation to art therapy, this inaugural issue is your all-access pass to ground-breaking insights, conversations, and guidance you won't find anywhere else. What you'll get:
Interviews with industry leaders like Jerry Saltz and Martha Fiennes
Exploration of cutting-edge topics: NFTs, AI in art, and more
Practical tips: grant writing, artist website essentials, and fundraising

Trusted by the versatile creative community
“.ART is for me the best way to recognise what my business is all about. I love the idea of being unique in each detail of my creative practice, and this one makes truly the difference.”

Naomi Vona
Artist – naomivona.art
“What I think is very compelling about .ART is that it offers artists like myself a safe space, a domain name, in which you know that your work is absolutely owned by you in terms of registration and documentation.”

Martha Fiennes
Artist and filmmaker – yugen.art
“.ART is explicit in foregrounding the importance of the content. You come to .ART for a deep dive into creativity and innovation. As the domain space heats up with a plethora of options, it's important to have a clear identity.”

Steve Miller
Artist – stevemiller.art
“Essentially, .ART has provided half the marketing for us. It’s like the readymade, but for online identities.”

Clynton Lowry
Founder of jobs.art
“People who go to .ART have the same passion about life through art.”

Shen Wei
Visual artist and choreographer, shenwei.art
“I actually bought the domain years before opening the gallery, when .ART was up and coming! I thought it was a great idea, and I felt strongly about having a .art domain because of its specificity to the industry. It’s less corporate than .com and more contemporary than .net.”

Mitra Khorasheh
Owner & Curator of signs and symbols, signsandsymbols.art
“I’ve been telling my artists to get .ART because .com is related to commerce and business and .ART immediately puts you in a place that people understand you in the art platform.”

Steven Sacks
Bitforms Gallery founder – bitforms.art
“When you’re on a .ART domain you know that you will be looking at quality content. It’s giving a house and a roof to this entire community of art creators and influencers”

Michael Klug
Owner of Whitewall Magazine, whitewall.art
“Until now we had a brafa.be website on a Belgian domain and we felt that it was important to get access to a community that was global.”

Bruno Nelis
PR & Communication Director, BRAFA museum, brafa.art
“Having the possibility to use pissarro.art is simply the perfect solution. It filled a long-lasting gap in our marketing and in the way we project ourselves.”

David Stern
Owner of Pissarro Gallery, pissarro.art
“.ART is a global community, switching to this domain zone is a no-brainer for the whole worldwide art scene.”

Gijs Stork
Founder of salon.art
“It is descriptive and short. At the same time, one can quickly identify the respective genre and its contents. It’s immediately clear that any website within this domain zone is related to art, so the viewer has a clear understanding what works they’ll find within it. I think a .ART domain is the perfect solution to display art related content on the web.”

Christopher Bauder
Artist, skalar.art
“We chose .ART because it instantly communicates our mission and identity. Rather than identifying ourselves as a commercial entity (.com) or situating us within the borders of our country (.ca), the .ART signifier identifies us within a community of artists and institutions, each operating in their own context, but also as part of a global community.”

John Hampton
Interim Executive Director & CEO, MacKenzie Art Gallery, mackenzie.art
“For me, .ART was a way to distinguish my artistic practice from my other work and general online presence. It is a really good way for me to showcase my artworks online and my portfolio, and it’s obvious for everyone what it is.”

Ronen Tanchum
Artist, ronentanchum.art
“I chose .ART in order to bring context to my website name davidspriggs.art. I prefer that my artwork be seen for itself rather than as a commercial product for which .com stands.”

David Spriggs
Artist – davidspriggs.art
“The reason why I chose .ART was because I wanted the company name to be the domain. I wanted everything to be as simple as possible. In order for this principle of simplicity to be felt in every detail, the first step was to choose the company’s name – the domain is precisely describing what we do as a company.”

Victoria Dejaco
Founder of cloud-based art management system simplify.art
Content Highlights

NFTs & Rockstars: Interview with Snark Art Agency

Art & Parenthood

From Da Vinci to Digital, Interview with Robert Norton

Embracing Limitations and Loss with Phil Hansen

Live from Odessa: Interview with Artist Stepan Ryabchenko

Museums as Public Health Assets with Helen Chatterjee

Steering Ahead of Art and Time: Interview with Nicolai Bohn

Jerry Saltz on Art, Criticism, and Dating

All you Should Know About Grant Writing

Free to create: Interview with the Council of Europe

.ART Adopter Highlights

How to Raise Money for Your Creative Projects

What Makes a Good Artist Website

The Art of Movement: Interview with Dancer Fanny Sage